A panoramic view is an attractive way of coming to know and enjoy a place.
By continuing with its work to create the Route of the Vantage Points, the Lower Aragon regional administration has, in recent weeks, fitted panoramic explanatory panels for interpreting the landscape at the Castle of the Knights of Calatrava in Alcañiz and the chapel of Santa Bárbara in La Codoñera, which complement those already existing vantage points in the towns of Belmonte de San José, Castelserás, La Ginebrosa, Torrevelilla and Valdealgorfa. These vantage points, together with those set up by the Cultural Park of the Maestrazgo in the towns of Aguaviva, Alcorisa and La Cañade de Verich, allow magnificent views of this land to be enjoyed from different natural lookouts. In the region, such diverse areas such as semi-arid steppes, Mediterranean forests and so-called premontane ecosystems can be identified.
The network of vantage points is earmarked for expansion with the incorporation of new viewpoints from which to enjoy this region.
This project is being undertaken through collaboration by the Bajo Aragón-Matarraña Local Action Group, which is partly financing its cost.

Alcorisa. Peña de San Juan
Foz Calanda. Mirador del Monte Tolocha.
La Ginebrosa. Mirador de las Eras Altas.

La Mata de los Olmos.